Dorchester St Birinus Primary School

Dorchester St Birinus Church of England School

Happy, healthy, informed individuals

Let your light shine!

Thank you for visiting our website.

It is great that you are interested in our wonderful school. We are an aspirational and ambitious school where all children are welcomed and valued as individuals.

The staff work hard to ensure that children in our care, not only make great academic progress, but that they encounter a broad curriculum and get lots of opportunities to experience a wide variety of activities.

 We are situated in the beautiful village of Dorchester and benefit from the river, the lakes and the magnificent Dorchester Abbey right on our doorstep.

We run a breakfast club from 8am every day of the week and an after school club (DASH - Dorchester After School Hub) for four days a week until 6pm on Monday - Thursday. 

 We aim to create happy, healthy, informed individuals here at Dorchester St Birinus. This vision is underpinned by our core values of compassion, knowledge and diversity.

 Our forest school is a unique aspect of the provision we have here. Children are able to paddle in the river, climb trees, build dens, look at wildlife, whittle sticks and build fires all whilst learning how to manage risks and become resilient individuals. The Hurst Water Meadow is within walking distance of our school and we are proud that our children are able to make the most of this resource at least once a week.

 I am proud to be a member of this school community and we are keen to welcome you to come and join us. 

If you are looking for your child to start their learning journey with us in Reception; please look at the Early Years page here.

Have a browse of our website and if you would like to arrange a tour of the school then give us a call.

contact us 


Jo Staples